Walken Runner 2. 0: Новое приключение. Вот и долгожданные новости о новой версии Walken Runner.
23 Feb 2023, 15:00
🐱👟 Walken Runner 2.0: Новое приключение
🔔 Вот и долгожданные новости о новой версии Walken Runner!
Мы были очень обрадованы 🙀 успехом первой версии Walken Runner в ноябре 2022 года. Опираясь на потрясающий опыт запуска первый версии и полученную обратную связь 📊 (спасибо, Walken Комьюнити 💘 , за ваш энтузиазм во время первого сезона Walken Runner!), мы поработали над концепцией 🤔, приняли во внимание ваши идеи и отзывы и существенно доработали механику игры. И вот сейчас, спустя 3 месяца после окончания первого сезона, Walken Runner готов вернуться 🚀
🔥 Более того, мы подготовили платформу на Walken Runner для запуска игр, и скоро вас ждёт ещё больше новых, интересный и захватывающих игр!
Геймплей вам хорошо знаком: нужно бежать 🏃, проходить через ворота ✅, улучшать показатели Здоровья и Атаки ⬆️, собирать Кристаллы 💎 и преодолевать препятствия, чтобы ваш Катлет был готов разрушить стены 💥 и победить Босса.
Но в новой версии приложение станет более увлекательным и динамичным:
✨ игра гораздо глубже интегрирована с основным приложением Walken с точки зрения использования активов;
✨ новая возможность для игроков заработать $WLKN токены 💵, Гемы 💎, и Мизберриз 🍒;
❗️ И это только начало с точки зрения утилизации Walken активов: скоро ваш прогресс с Walken будет учитываться в Walken Runner!
✨ первое время не будет Сезонов или Турниров, ограниченных по времени: вы сможете играть, веселиться и получать награды когда пожелаете;
✨ не будет распределения наград среди лидеров Турнирной таблицы; ваша награда будет зависеть от ваших усилий, а полученные награды 🏆 будут отражать ваш прогресс и достижения.
📝 В статье вы можете почитать подробнее о новой версии игры:
Мы с нетерпением 🤩 ждем предстоящий релиз и надеемся, что игра придется вам по душе. Ждать осталось всего несколько дней ⏳ Спасибо вам за поддержку и искренний интерес 😻 к проекту, и не забывайте следить за новостями, чтобы быть в числе первых игроков! 🙌
Same news in other sources
123 Feb 2023, 15:01
🐱👟 WALKEN RUNNER 2.0: The Ultimate Running Adventure
🔔 Here come the long anticipated news about the new version of Walken Runner!
We were delighted by the soaring high engagement rates 🙀 of the first Walken Runner released in November 2022. Building up on its first successful launch and armed with the valuable field data 📊(we're thanking you once more for your enthusiasm with the first season!) - we have taken the time to reimagine the concept 🤔, taking your ideas and feedback on board, and refine the gameplay mechanics. Now, 3 months from the first Season, Walken Runner is almost ready to make a come-back 🚀
🔥 Here’s more: based on Walken Runner, we’ve built a platform for launching many more amazing games in the nearest future 😍
The core gameplay remains the same: run 🏃, pass gates ✅, upgrade stats ⬆️, collect crystals 💎, and avoid obstacles to get the CAThlete ready to bring down the walls 💥and defeat bosses.
But going a layer deeper, it’s getting far more engaging and dynamic:
✨ much deeper integration with the main Walken app in terms of assets;
✨ a completely new opportunity for players to earn $WLKN tokens 💵, GEM 💎, and Mysberries 🍒;
❗️ It’s just the first step in raising asset utility: soon your progress in Walken will have a direct impact on your success in Walken Runner (and other upcoming games)!
✨ for some time there will be no time-limited events like seasons or tournaments: you may play, have fun and earn rewards rewards anytime;
✨ no leaderboard-based reward distribution; you may commit as much as you feel like and earn rewards 🏆 that reflect your progress and achievements.
📝 Read on to find out what awaits you in the upcoming reimagined Walken Runner:
We are super excited 🤩 about its release, and hope you'll love it, too. There is still some testing ⏳ to be completed before it is live, and it will take a couple of days. Thank you for your support and 😻, and stay tuned!
WALKEN RUNNER 2. 0: The Ultimate Running Adventure. Here come the long anticipated news about the new version of Walken Runner.
🐱👟 WALKEN RUNNER 2.0: The Ultimate Running Adventure
🔔 Here come the long anticipated news about the new version of Walken Runner!
We were delighted by the soaring high engagement rates 🙀 of the first Walken Runner released in November 2022. Building up on its first successful launch and armed with the valuable field data 📊(we're thanking you once more for your enthusiasm with the first season!) - we have taken the time to reimagine the concept 🤔, taking your ideas and feedback on board, and refine the gameplay mechanics. Now, 3 months from the first Season, Walken Runner is almost ready to make a come-back 🚀
🔥 Here’s more: based on Walken Runner, we’ve built a platform for launching many more amazing games in the nearest future 😍
The core gameplay remains the same: run 🏃, pass gates ✅, upgrade stats ⬆️, collect crystals 💎, and avoid obstacles to get the CAThlete ready to bring down the walls 💥and defeat bosses.
But going a layer deeper, it’s getting far more engaging and dynamic:
✨ much deeper integration with the main Walken app in terms of assets;
✨ a completely new opportunity for players to earn $WLKN tokens 💵, GEM 💎, and Mysberries 🍒;
❗️ It’s just the first step in raising asset utility: soon your progress in Walken will have a direct impact on your success in Walken Runner (and other upcoming games)!
✨ for some time there will be no time-limited events like seasons or tournaments: you may play, have fun and earn rewards rewards anytime;
✨ no leaderboard-based reward distribution; you may commit as much as you feel like and earn rewards 🏆 that reflect your progress and achievements.
📝 Read on to find out what awaits you in the upcoming reimagined Walken Runner:
We are super excited 🤩 about its release, and hope you'll love it, too. There is still some testing ⏳ to be completed before it is live, and it will take a couple of days. Thank you for your support and 😻, and stay tuned!