27 Jun 2023, 15:51
Привет, сообщество Walken! 😺
Завершились 2-е Катлетические игры 🚀, а значит, самое время забирать сундуки.
👉 Сводка 2-х Катлетических Игр:
🏆 Призовой фонд: 7.5М 💵
🎁 Выиграно сундуков: 145689
❗️Третьи Катлетические Игры:
Регистрация открыта!
Ожидаемый фонд: 7.8М 💵
(В него вошли реинвестиции игроков за 48 часов до старта регистраций, а также будут добавлены все токены за билеты на эти Игры)
И пока регистрация на третьи Игры в самом разгаре 📝, мы хотим поделиться несколькими полезными советами 😎, которые могут пригодиться вам в вашей стратегии:
1️⃣ Состав и количество команд: выбирайте своего капитана и участников команды (если хотите увеличить шансы на лучшие сундуки) на основе их редкости. Пробуйте разных Катлетов 👀, смотрите, как это повлияет на шансы на сундуки и выбирайте наиболее оптимальный сетап💡 Помните: сундуки выдаются на команду, не на каждого участника в ней.
2️⃣ Одежда капитана: обратите внимание на выбор одежды 👕 Катлета-капитана. Каждый предмет повышает ваши шансы на выигрыш сундука более высокого уровня.
3️⃣ Совершенствование: повышайте уровень Катлетов 🆙, чтобы участвовать в более высоких лигах с более щедрыми наградами.
4️⃣ Ранг и Мизберриз: запаситесь Мизберриз 🍒 и стремитесь к достижению как можно более высокого ранга 🔟. Оба этих фактора влияют на сумму токенов, которые вы получаете в конкретном сундуке.
5️⃣ Двойная выгода: вы можете одновременно участвовать в режиме PvP и в Катлетических Играх, максимально эффективно используя свое время ⏳ и ресурсы.
С каждым новым вызовом, постоянное совершенствование вашей стратегии 💫 поможет вам оставаться впереди и продолжать двигаться к своим целям. И если вы стремитесь к лучшим наградам из сундуков 💵, повышение ранга, прокачка Катлетов и запас Мизберриз - лучшая стратегия. Удачи в следующих Катлетических Играх! 🍀
Same news in other sources
127 Jun 2023, 15:51
Good day, Walken Community! 😺
Hope you enjoyed the second CAThletic Games 🚀 and already gearing up for the next round of excitement. First things first, congratulations 🎉 to all participants of the 2nd Games: your chests are waiting for you!
👉 2nd Cathletic Games summary:
🏆 Prize pool: 7.5М 💵
🎁 Total chests: 145689
❗️3rd CAThletic Games:
Registration open till June 28, 12 PM UTC
Projected pool: 7.8M 💵
(Based on the player reinvent already calculated for 48 hours prior to registration start + projected number of participants and tickets, also to be added to the pool)
While you register your champions for the upcoming Games 📝, we’ve gather a bunch of pro tips that might come in handy:
1️⃣ Team Composition: carefully select your team leader and members (if you want to boost chances for higher-tier chests) based on their rarities and clothing. It’s always a good idea to try different CAThletes 👀, see how it affects the chances for chests and make the best choice. Mind that you get ONE CHEST PER TEAM, not per CAThlete.
2️⃣ Clothing Synergy: pay attention to the clothing choices 👕 of your team leader CAThlete.
3️⃣ Training and Leveling: level up and boost their overall performance 🆙 to participate in higher Leagues with more generous rewards on offer. Remember that CAThletes forming one team must all be eligible to compete in the same League.
4️⃣ Rank & Mysberries: to support your CAThletes' performance, stock up on Mysberries 🍒 and strive for as high a Rank 🔟 as possible. Both of them affect the amount of tokens you win in a particular chest.
5️⃣ Double Benefit: take advantage of the auto-played CAThletic Games to participate in the PvP mode simultaneously to make the most of your time ⏳ and resources.
As you encounter new challenges, it is a continuously refinement of your approach 💫 that will help stay ahead of the competition.
Good luck on your journey to become a CAThletic champion! 🍀
2ND CATHLETIC GAMES: 7. 5M $WLKN PRIZE POOL. Good day, Walken Community.
Good day, Walken Community! 😺
Hope you enjoyed the second CAThletic Games 🚀 and already gearing up for the next round of excitement. First things first, congratulations 🎉 to all participants of the 2nd Games: your chests are waiting for you!
👉 2nd Cathletic Games summary:
🏆 Prize pool: 7.5М 💵
🎁 Total chests: 145689
❗️3rd CAThletic Games:
Registration open till June 28, 12 PM UTC
Projected pool: 7.8M 💵
(Based on the player reinvent already calculated for 48 hours prior to registration start + projected number of participants and tickets, also to be added to the pool)
While you register your champions for the upcoming Games 📝, we’ve gather a bunch of pro tips that might come in handy:
1️⃣ Team Composition: carefully select your team leader and members (if you want to boost chances for higher-tier chests) based on their rarities and clothing. It’s always a good idea to try different CAThletes 👀, see how it affects the chances for chests and make the best choice. Mind that you get ONE CHEST PER TEAM, not per CAThlete.
2️⃣ Clothing Synergy: pay attention to the clothing choices 👕 of your team leader CAThlete.
3️⃣ Training and Leveling: level up and boost their overall performance 🆙 to participate in higher Leagues with more generous rewards on offer. Remember that CAThletes forming one team must all be eligible to compete in the same League.
4️⃣ Rank & Mysberries: to support your CAThletes' performance, stock up on Mysberries 🍒 and strive for as high a Rank 🔟 as possible. Both of them affect the amount of tokens you win in a particular chest.
5️⃣ Double Benefit: take advantage of the auto-played CAThletic Games to participate in the PvP mode simultaneously to make the most of your time ⏳ and resources.
As you encounter new challenges, it is a continuously refinement of your approach 💫 that will help stay ahead of the competition.
Good luck on your journey to become a CAThletic champion! 🍀