️ ВРЕМЯ НОВЫХ ВОЗМОЖНОСТЕЙ ️. Вас ждут новые уровни и новые Лиги с еще более высокими наградами.

14 Apr 2023, 14:06
⚡️ ВРЕМЯ НОВЫХ ВОЗМОЖНОСТЕЙ ⚡️ Вас ждут новые уровни и новые Лиги с еще более высокими наградами! 🚀 Надеемся, вам понравились обновления, вышедшие на этой неделе ✨, и каждый нашел что-то по душе 😺. Однако это не все: на пятницу мы приберегли для вас еще что-то особенное 🤫. Устраивайтесь поудобнее, мы готовы раскрыть все карты😉 Но прежде позвольте еще раз поблагодарить каждого из вас ❤️ за ваш энтузиазм и поддержку Walken, ведь именно они вдохновляют нас продолжать создавать особенный игровой опыт ✨, которым мы действительно гордимся. Мы рады знать, что Катлеты находятся в надежных руках 😻, вы хорошо заботитесь о своих пушистых бегунах и готовите их стать чемпионами. Теперь пришло время новых возможностей 💪 и новых приключений. 🔔 Объявляем скорое введение НОВЫХ УРОВНЕЙ И ЛИГ В WALKEN! Мы планируем добавление 2 новых Лиг 🚀 (Лига VII и VIII) и 5 уровней Катлетов 😺 (уровни 11-15), которые не только дадут новые возможности использования гемов и $WLKN и расширят геймплей, но и позволят увеличить заработок. Самое приятное - то, что, достигая более высокого ранга и удерживая его, бонусом вы будете получать повышенные награды🔝 в Лигах VII и VIII за ваш вклад в игру и активное развитие в Walken. Следите за новостями, мы будем делиться подробностями ближе к релизу! Новые Лиги и уровни 🤩 будут вводится постепенно: ⚡️ УРОВНИ 11-13 и ЛИГА VII станут доступны в течение 2 недель 🗓 ⚡️ Уровни 14-15 и Лига VIII последуют немного позже (мы анонсируем заранее их выход). Таким образом, команда сможет оптимизировать игровой процесс 🙌 и создать все условия для того, чтобы изменения были внедрены успешно и игроки насладились временем, проведенным с Walken 🙈. Мы уверены, что вы всегда готовы к новым вызовам и эта новость точно не оставила вас равнодушными 🐾, дорогое Коммьюнити! А мы, как всегда, с нетерпением ждем ваши мысли и идеи в комментариях 💬 Следите за новостями 😉 и будьте первыми, кто примет вызов в новой Лиге VII! Website | Чат Telegram | Telegram Канал | Discord | Medium | База знаний | Twitter

Same news in other sources

WalkenWLKN #1545
14 Apr 2023, 14:12
⚡️ OPENING UP NEW HORIZONS 🔔 We're thrilled to announce the upcoming introduction of NEW LEVELS & COMPETITION LEAGUES. Read on: #walken_io
️ OPENING UP NEW HORIZONS. We're thrilled to announce the upcoming introduction of NEW LEVELS & COMPETITION LEAGUES. Read on:.
⚡️ OPENING UP NEW HORIZONS 🔔 We're thrilled to announce the upcoming introduction of NEW LEVELS & COMPETITION LEAGUES. Read on: https://t.co/tDfIf2rDKG #walken_io https://t.co/qkiEjGfMJe https://t.co/dNBvu8r6L7
WalkenWLKN #1545
14 Apr 2023, 14:08
⚡️ OPENING UP NEW HORIZONS ⚡️ Get ready to level up your game with new levels, new Leagues, and bigger rewards! 🚀 Hope you've been enjoying the updates we've been rolling out this week - whether you've been seeking new challenges 🏆, fresh features, or exciting events 😺. But there’s something we've been keeping under wraps 🤫. Grab a seat and get ready to hear what - because we're saving the best for last 😉 But first let us thank you ❤️ for your enthusiasm and commitment to Walken that inspire us to create the kind of gaming experience that we're truly proud of. It’s a joy to know that CAThletes are in excellent hands 😻, and you've been doing really great taking care of your furry runners and training them to be champions. Now is the time to push the boundaries 💪 and explore their real potential. 🔔 We're thrilled to announce the upcoming introduction of NEW LEVELS and COMPETITION LEAGUES. 2 new Leagues 🚀 (League VII and VIII) and 5 CAThlete levels 😺 (level 11 - 15) in total will make their way to Walken providing extra asset utility, new challenges, and opportunities to boost your earnings. But the best part is that by achieving and holding a higher rank you will be able to enjoy boosted rewards 🔝 in League VII and VIII and reap the benefits of your hard work. We'll be sharing more details in further announcements! The new leagues and levels 🤩 will be rolled out gradually; ⚡️ levels 11-13 and League VII are to be introduced aproximately within 2 weeks from now 🗓, ⚡️ levels 14-15 and League VIII will be introduced shortly after (we'll announce theit release in advance). Thus we’ll be able to optimize the gaming experience 🙌 ensuring that everything runs smoothly and that all players have an enjoyable time 🙈 We know that you're always up for a challenge 🐾, so get your CAThletes ready to unleash their inner champion once more. Stay tuned for announcements 😉, and be the first to set foot in League VII! Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter
️ OPENING UP NEW HORIZONS ️. Get ready to level up your game with new levels, new Leagues, and bigger rewards.
⚡️ OPENING UP NEW HORIZONS ⚡️ Get ready to level up your game with new levels, new Leagues, and bigger rewards! 🚀 Hope you've been enjoying the updates ✨ we've been rolling out this week - whether you've been seeking new challenges 🏆, fresh features, or exciting events 😺. But there’s something we've been keeping under wraps 🤫. Grab a seat and get ready to hear what - because we're saving the best for last 😉 But first let us thank you ❤️ for your enthusiasm and commitment to Walken that inspire us to create the kind of gaming experience that we're truly proud of. It’s a joy to know that CAThletes are in excellent hands 😻, and you've been doing really great taking care of your furry runners and training them to be champions. Now is the time to push the boundaries 💪 and explore their real potential. 🔔 We're thrilled to announce the upcoming introduction of NEW LEVELS and COMPETITION LEAGUES. 2 new Leagues 🚀 (League VII and VIII) and 5 CAThlete levels 😺 (level 11 - 15) in total will make their way to Walken providing extra asset utility, new challenges, and opportunities to boost your earnings. But the best part is that by achieving and holding a higher rank you will be able to enjoy boosted rewards 🔝 in League VII and VIII and reap the benefits of your hard work. We'll be sharing more details in further announcements! The new leagues and levels 🤩 will be rolled out gradually; ⚡️ levels 11-13 and League VII are to be introduced aproximately within 2 weeks from now 🗓, ⚡️ levels 14-15 and League VIII will be introduced shortly after (we'll announce theit release in advance). Thus we’ll be able to optimize the gaming experience 🙌 ensuring that everything runs smoothly and that all players have an enjoyable time 🙈 We know that you're always up for a challenge 🐾, so get your CAThletes ready to unleash their inner champion once more. Stay tuned for announcements 😉, and be the first to set foot in League VII! Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter