21 Nov 2022, 16:51
Без преувеличения можно сказать, что за последние 5 месяцев Катлеты 😺 успели стать неотъемлемой частью жизни каждого участника нашего Комьюнити. Влюбившись в милых маленьких спортсменов с первого взгляда ♥️, наша команда не могла и мечтать о том, что Катлеты смогут так легко и быстро завоевать сердца миллионов людей по всему миру. И мы очень рады продолжить их историю! 🤩
Уже через несколько дней мы порадуем вас одним из самых долгожданных событий осени 🍁 - выходом Walken Runner! С гордостью и радостью хотим объявить, что Walken Runner, первая гипер-казуальная игра в экосистеме гипер-казуальных игр 🕹 Walken, которая воплотит наше видение будущего web3 и DeFi, выйдет уже на этой неделе! Ее выход станет первым шагом на пути к нашей амбициозной цели✨, и в дальнейшем мы намерены расширять использование NFT, $WLKN, Гемов и Мизберриз в последующих играх нашей экосистемы 👏
В преддверии радостного события 👀, приглашаем вас взглянуть поближе на игру! В новой статье на Медиуме вы найдете описание 🏆 геймплея, наград и инструкцию, как попасть в ТОП игроков!
🌐 https://medium.com/@walken-ru/walken-runner-побеждай-в-турнире-и-зарабатывай-95abbaacca8e
Уверены, что вам уже не терпится начать забег! 🙀Всего через несколько дней вы, наконец, сможете это сделать!
Walken Runner станет нашим первым смелым экспериментом 😻 и началом новой главы как для проекта, так и для Комьюнити. Мы гордимся заслуженным успехом 🥳 проекта Walken и намерены двигаться дальше и расширять границы, а также развивать и поддерживать игровую экосистему Walken 💪 Впереди вас ждет еще больше игр и веселья!
Как всегда, будем рады вашим комментариям! 💭
Same news in other sources
121 Nov 2022, 16:51
It won't be an overstatement to say that over the past 5 months CAThletes 😺 have become an essential part of life for every member of our Community. It was far beyond the team's wildest dreams back then that CAThletes would be able to win the hearts ♥️ of millions of people around the world so easily and quickly. And we are overjoyed to continue their story! 🤩
Thilled to announce that one of the most long-awaited events of autumn 🍁 is coming in a couple of days! Walken Runner, the first hyper casual game of the Walken ecosystem of hyper casual games 🕹embodying our vision of the future of web3 and DeFi gaming, will be released this week! Its release will mark the first step towards our ambitious goal ✨, and we are set to raise NFT, $WLKN, gem, and Mysberry utility in the future side games 👏
Let's have a closer look 👀 at what awaits you in the new CAThlete-inspired game! In our latest Medium article, we dive into 🏆 Walken Runner gameplay, rewards, and how to get on top:
Can't wait to start the race! 🙀 It's always better to move from words to deeds and see for yourself, and you'll finally have a chance in just a few days.
Walken Runner is our first bold experiment 😻 and the beginning of a new chapter for the project and Community. We are proud of the well-deserved success 🥳 of the Walken project and intend to move on and push the limits. The team continues our committed effort to grow and perfect the Walken ecosystem 💪, delivering just what's expected.
Your thoughts and hopes are always welcome! 💭
It won't be an overstatement to say that over the past 5 months CAThletes 😺 have become an essential part of life for every member of our Community. It was far beyond the team's wildest dreams back then that CAThletes would be able to win the hearts ♥️ of millions of people around the world so easily and quickly. And we are overjoyed to continue their story! 🤩
Thilled to announce that one of the most long-awaited events of autumn 🍁 is coming in a couple of days! Walken Runner, the first hyper casual game of the Walken ecosystem of hyper casual games 🕹embodying our vision of the future of web3 and DeFi gaming, will be released this week! Its release will mark the first step towards our ambitious goal ✨, and we are set to raise NFT, $WLKN, gem, and Mysberry utility in the future side games 👏
Let's have a closer look 👀 at what awaits you in the new CAThlete-inspired game! In our latest Medium article, we dive into 🏆 Walken Runner gameplay, rewards, and how to get on top:
🌐 https://medium.com/@walken.io/walken-runner-get-on-top-of-the-leaderboard-earn-3d851829c5f2
Can't wait to start the race! 🙀 It's always better to move from words to deeds and see for yourself, and you'll finally have a chance in just a few days.
Walken Runner is our first bold experiment 😻 and the beginning of a new chapter for the project and Community. We are proud of the well-deserved success 🥳 of the Walken project and intend to move on and push the limits. The team continues our committed effort to grow and perfect the Walken ecosystem 💪, delivering just what's expected.
Your thoughts and hopes are always welcome! 💭