С Международным женским днем. Спешим поздравить прекрасную половину нашего Walken Комьюнити.

08 Mar 2023, 10:22
💐😻 С Международным женским днем! Спешим поздравить прекрасную половину нашего Walken Комьюнити ❤️ Вот и наступили долгожданные весенние 🌸 дни - волшебное время пробуждения и обновления природы. Рассвет 🌅 наступает раньше, и вставать по утрам, чтобы проверить, как дела у Катлетов 🐈, становится все приятнее. На улице теплеет ☀️, а прогулки под весенним солнцем приносят гораздо больше удовольствия 🐈 В этот особенный весенний день нам невероятно приятно искренне поздравить вас, наши Walken леди ✨, с самым красивым и нежным 😻 праздником в году. Сегодня ваш день, как и любой другой! Чтобы добавить немного веселья 🪄 в ваш день и по-настоящему почувствовать весну, давайте сосчитаем тюльпаны 🌷 на этой картинке. Оставляйте свой ответ в комментариях 💭, и через 24 часа 10 Walken леди, которые дали правильный ответ, получат по 100 $WLKN! Команда Walken поздравляет наших прекрасных, талантливых, смелых, амбициозных и просто замечательных леди 😌 с праздником и желает вам всего самого лучшего 🫶 Пусть каждый день будет полон солнечных улыбок и радостных событий 💫☀️ 🔗Официальные ссылки Walken: Website | Чат Telegram | Telegram Канал | Discord | База знаний | Medium | Twitter

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WalkenWLKN #1545
08 Mar 2023, 10:22
💐😻 Happy International Women's Day! Sending you the best wishes, Walken Community ❤️ The long-awaited spring 🌸 days have come marking the beginning of a fabulous time of nature's awakening and renewal. Dawn comes 🌅 earlier, making getting up in the morning to check how CAThletes 🐈 are doing quite more pleasant. It's getting warmer ☀️ outside so going for walks under the lights of spring brings more enjoyment. It is with great pleasure that we celebrate our incredible Walken ladies ✨and recognise this beautiful and wonderful 😻 occasion of the year. Today is your day, just like every other day, so shine on! 💎 To share the fun and joy 🪄 of day and feel the spring, let’s count the tulips🌷on this picture that vibes with spring. Leave your answer in the comments 💭, and 10 Walken ladies who give the right answer will receive 100 $WLKN each in 24h! We are delighted to be celebrating this lovely occasion 😻 together with our strong, talented, courageous and simply amazing ladies! Wish you all the best 🫶 not only today but every day. Dream, work, do, aspire, achieve, and remember that everything is possible 🙌 And let the harmony and colors of spring shine in your life and hearts 💫☀️ 🔗Stay in touch with Walken: Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter
Happy International Women's Day. Sending you the best wishes, Walken Community.
💐😻 Happy International Women's Day!  Sending you the best wishes, Walken Community ❤️ The long-awaited spring 🌸 days have come marking the beginning of a fabulous time of nature's awakening and renewal. Dawn comes 🌅 earlier, making getting up in the morning to check how CAThletes 🐈 are doing quite more pleasant. It's getting warmer ☀️ outside so going for walks under the lights of spring brings more enjoyment. It is with great pleasure that we celebrate our incredible Walken ladies ✨and recognise this beautiful and wonderful 😻 occasion of the year. Today is your day, just like every other day, so shine on! 💎 To share the fun and joy 🪄 of day and feel the spring, let’s count the tulips🌷on this picture that vibes with spring. Leave your answer in the comments 💭, and 10 Walken ladies who give the right answer will receive 100 $WLKN each in 24h!  We are delighted to be celebrating this lovely occasion 😻 together with our strong, talented, courageous and simply amazing ladies! Wish you all the best 🫶 not only today but every day. Dream, work, do, aspire, achieve, and remember that everything is possible 🙌 And let the harmony and colors of spring shine in your life and hearts 💫☀️ 🔗Stay in touch with Walken: Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter