14 Jul 2023, 17:12
Добрый вечер, сообщество Walken,
Проходя вместе с вами важный для Walken этап трансформации экономики в дефляционную 🚀, мы осознаем, что происходящие изменения могут найти одобрения не у всех участников 🧐 нашего сообщества. Также нельзя игнорировать тот факт, что некоторые игроки ожидаемо предпочитают прибыль здесь и сейчас💰, а не потенциальную возможность бОльшей выгоды в долгосрочной перспективе. Снижение стоимости $WLKN 📉, которое мы наблюдаем в последние два дня, является последствием этого выбора.
За последний месяц Walken сильно изменился 🎮, и мы тщательно следим 👀 за тем, как обновления влияют на экономику и на проект в целом. С возвращения Ранговых Забегов 🏆, которого с нетерпением ждали многие игроки, прошла неделя, и мы проанализировали активность игроков 👟 и паттерны их инвестирования и реинвестирования (как известно, эти токены становятся частью призового фонда 🎁 для PvE, который перераспределяется среди игроков в PvE режимах).
🔔 Результаты анализа показали, что 78% инвестирования и реинвестирования 🙌 было сделано игроками, которые участвуют в Катлетических Играх; те, кто предпочитает исключительно Ранговые Забеги и не принимает участия в играх, сделали всего 22%.
Мы уверены в важности распределения призового фонда PvE в соответствии с вкладом игроков 💫, чтобы призы, получаемые в PvE режимах, отражали участие игрока в формировании фонда и в проекте в целом 💰.
Также хотели бы затронуть распределение наград в Ранговых Забегах 🏃♂️. Если продолжить поддерживать награды в этом режиме на текущем уровне, уже скоро ⏳ Ранговые Забеги будут требовать слишком большой доли призового фонда PvE. Такое распределение вызывает опасения ⚠️, поскольку оно может не соответствовать уровню вклада в игру игроков, которые участвуют исключительно в Ранговых Забегах, что противоречит нашим целям по переходу к дефляционной экономике 🚀 и будет препятствовать развитию проекта.
В связи с этим, распределение призового фонда PvE будет скорректировано 📊, чтобы отражать инвестирование и реинвестирование игроков.
❗️Начиная со следующих игр (подача заявок на них начнется завтра в 15:00 МСК), бОльшая доля токенов из PvE фонда будет выделена на сундуки 🏆; соответственно, часть фонда на Ранговые Забеги уменьшится.
⚠️ Награды в Ранговых Забегах будут скорректированы завтра в 15:00 (МСК).
Мы хотели бы отметить, что нам очень жаль 😿 наблюдать, как некоторые игроки покидают нас в этот трансформационный период. Однако мы твердо верим, что только с теми, кто разделяет наше видение ❤️, мы сможем заложить основу для дальнейшего роста и успеха. Вместе мы можем создать среду, которая вознаграждает стратегическое мышление 💵, преданность и стремление к долгосрочной устойчивости Walken.
Благодарим вас за вашу постоянную поддержку 😍 и понимание: они очень важны в этот непростой период. Команда продолжает работу над развитием процветающего сообщества игроков🤝 и созданием лучшего игрового опыта для всех.
🔗Официальные ссылки Walken:
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Same news in other sources
114 Jul 2023, 17:12
Dear Walken Community,
As we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in Walken's transformation 🚀 towards a deflationary model, it is natural that this shift may not be embraced by all members 🧐 of our Community. We recognize that some individuals prioritize immediate profits 💰 over potentially greater long-term gains, leading to a significant sell pressure on $WLKN 📉 and the noticeable value drop we have witnessed over the past two days.
The gameplay updates 🎮 we’ve been introducing over the last weeks have been transformative (to say the least), and we're keeping a close eye 👀 on how they affect the economy and the project in general. A week since the come-back of Ranked Races 🏆, so anticipated by a great part of the Community, we’ve conducted an extensive data analysis to gain a deeper understanding of player activity 👟 and investment&reinvestment patterns (as it is part of the prize pool 🎁 for PvE to be redistributed among PvE players in both modes).
🔔 The results revealed that 78% of the investment&reinvestment 🙌 was contributed by those players who engage in CAThletic Games; those who prefer Ranked Races solely and don’t participate in the Games 🙅♂️ did only 22%. With the total PvE prize pool now split 50/50 between the two modes, the imbalance is evident 🧐
We firmly believe it is crucial to align the distribution of the PvE prize pool with player contributions 💫 to the game and the overall prize pool.
Additionally, we would like to address the distribution of rewards in Ranked Races 🏃♂️. If we were to sustain the current reward rate for Ranked Races, in a short time ⏳ this mode may take too great a portion of the PvE prize pool. This allocation raises concerns ⚠️ as it's already evident it is not likey to align with the level of contribution to the game from players who solely participate in Ranked Races, thus undermining our efforts to transit to a deflationary economy 🚀
That being said, the distribution of the PvE prize pool will be adjusted 📊 to reflect player investment & reinvestment.
❗️Starting the next Games, more tokens will be allocated for CAThletic Games chests 🏆, while a reduced portion will be allocated for Ranked Races.
⚠️ Ranked Races rewards will be adjusted tomorrow at 12 PM UTC.
We’d like to take a moment to say that we are deeply saddened 😿 to see some players leave as we navigate this transition. However, we firmly believe that it is through the support of those who share our vision ❤️ that we can set the stage for further growth and success. Together, we can create an environment that rewards strategic thinking 💵, dedication, and a commitment to the long-term sustainability of Walken.
Thank you for your continued support 😍 and understanding as we navigate these discussions and adjustments. We remain committed to building a thriving community 🤝 and providing a rewarding gaming experience for all.
🔗Stay in touch with Walken:
Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter | Instagram
Dear Walken Community,
As we find ourselves at a pivotal moment in Walken's transformation 🚀 towards a deflationary model, it is natural that this shift may not be embraced by all members 🧐 of our Community. We recognize that some individuals prioritize immediate profits 💰 over potentially greater long-term gains, leading to a significant sell pressure on $WLKN 📉 and the noticeable value drop we have witnessed over the past two days.
The gameplay updates 🎮 we’ve been introducing over the last weeks have been transformative (to say the least), and we're keeping a close eye 👀 on how they affect the economy and the project in general. A week since the come-back of Ranked Races 🏆, so anticipated by a great part of the Community, we’ve conducted an extensive data analysis to gain a deeper understanding of player activity 👟 and investment&reinvestment patterns (as it is part of the prize pool 🎁 for PvE to be redistributed among PvE players in both modes).
🔔 The results revealed that 78% of the investment&reinvestment 🙌 was contributed by those players who engage in CAThletic Games; those who prefer Ranked Races solely and don’t participate in the Games 🙅♂️ did only 22%. With the total PvE prize pool now split 50/50 between the two modes, the imbalance is evident 🧐
We firmly believe it is crucial to align the distribution of the PvE prize pool with player contributions 💫 to the game and the overall prize pool.
Additionally, we would like to address the distribution of rewards in Ranked Races 🏃♂️. If we were to sustain the current reward rate for Ranked Races, in a short time ⏳ this mode may take too great a portion of the PvE prize pool. This allocation raises concerns ⚠️ as it's already evident it is not likey to align with the level of contribution to the game from players who solely participate in Ranked Races, thus undermining our efforts to transit to a deflationary economy 🚀
That being said, the distribution of the PvE prize pool will be adjusted 📊 to reflect player investment & reinvestment.
❗️Starting the next Games, more tokens will be allocated for CAThletic Games chests 🏆, while a reduced portion will be allocated for Ranked Races.
⚠️ Ranked Races rewards will be adjusted tomorrow at 12 PM UTC.
We’d like to take a moment to say that we are deeply saddened 😿 to see some players leave as we navigate this transition. However, we firmly believe that it is through the support of those who share our vision ❤️ that we can set the stage for further growth and success. Together, we can create an environment that rewards strategic thinking 💵, dedication, and a commitment to the long-term sustainability of Walken.
Thank you for your continued support 😍 and understanding as we navigate these discussions and adjustments. We remain committed to building a thriving community 🤝 and providing a rewarding gaming experience for all.
🔗Stay in touch with Walken:
Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter | Instagram