ОСЕННЯЯ ЛОТЕРЕЯ ЛУТБОКСОВ: УЧАСТВУЙ СЕЙЧАС. Готовы принарядить ваших Катлетов к 1 сентября.

29 Aug 2023, 12:00
🍁🌂 ОСЕННЯЯ ЛОТЕРЕЯ ЛУТБОКСОВ: УЧАСТВУЙ СЕЙЧАС! Готовы принарядить ваших Катлетов к 1 сентября? 🎁 Начался этап подачи заявок на лотерею лутбоксов “Осенний Кото-фестиваль”! 📝 У вас есть три дня, чтобы принять участие: уже в пятницу 🗓состоится раздача боксов, внутри которых - эксклюзивная осенняя коллекция одежды 😺, которая сделает эту осень уютной, теплой и стильной. ⌛️ Этап подачи заявок: 29 августа -1 сентября, 15:00 (МСК) ⚠️ Обратите внимание: ежедневный квест “Испытай удачу” добавлен в вашу активную неделю. Как подать заявку? 1️⃣ Нажмите на баннер лотереи на экране “Домой”; 2️⃣ Выберите желаемый тип Лутбокса; 3️⃣ Выберите токен, которым хотите оплатить бокс в случае выигрыша; 4️⃣ Подайте заявку. Готово, вы восхитительны! ⚡️ Подача заявки бесплатная. Оплата потребуется только для покупки бокса в случае выигрыша. Пожалуйста, запомните выбранный токен (💵 или 💵), так как только этим токеном можно будет оплатить бокс в случае выигрыша. Кто может участвовать в лотерее? Игроки с аккаунтом, созданным не менее 7 дней назад 🕹️И имеющие хотя бы одного Катлета уровня 2+ 🐈 ⚠️ Еще одним требованием является наличие достаточного количества токенов 💰 на кошельке на момент подачи заявки и до распределения Лутбоксов. ❤️ ГАРАНТИРОВАННЫЕ лутбоксы для первых 500 подавших заявки с 50000 $WLKN и более на кошельке С УЧЕТОМ СТЕЙКИНГА! 👀 Список победителей будет опубликован в наших социальных сетях 1 сентября, так что следите за новостями. 🍀 Как узнать, что я выиграл? Если вы выиграли, Лутбоксы, на которые вы подали заявку, появятся в разделе Инвентарь —> Лутбоксы после объявления победителей. Желаем удачи всем участникам лотереи! ❤️ 🔗Официальные ссылки Walken: Website | Чат Telegram | Telegram RU | Discord | Medium | База знаний | Twitter | Instagram

Same news in other sources

WalkenWLKN #1545
29 Aug 2023, 12:03
🍁🗓 CATs & Colors of Fall in #walken_io: APPLICATION PHASE IS ON! ⌛️ Apply until September 1, 12:00 PM (UTC) ⚠️ 'Best of Luck' daily quest has been added to your active quest week. You know what to do: 1️⃣ Tap on the Lottery banner on the Home Screen; 2️⃣ Choose your desired type of Lootbox; 3️⃣ Select the token you'd like to use for purchasing the box in case you win; 4️⃣ Apply for the box. Congratulations, you're in! #Web3Gaming #NFT #GameFi
CATs & Colors of Fall in #walken_io: APPLICATION PHASE IS ON. ️ Apply until September 1, 12:00 PM (UTC).
🍁🗓 CATs & Colors of Fall in #walken_io: APPLICATION PHASE IS ON! ⌛️ Apply until September 1, 12:00 PM (UTC) ⚠️ 'Best of Luck' daily quest has been added to your active quest week. You know what to do: 1️⃣ Tap on the Lottery banner on the Home Screen; 2️⃣ Choose your desired type of Lootbox; 3️⃣ Select the token you'd like to use for purchasing the box in case you win; 4️⃣ Apply for the box. Congratulations, you're in! #Web3Gaming #NFT #GameFi
WalkenWLKN #1545
29 Aug 2023, 12:01
🍁🗓 CATs & Colors of Fall: APPLICATION PHASE IS ON! Get ready to embark on an enchanting journey through our autumn-themed NFT items collection! 🎁 We're thrilled to announce the start of the highly anticipated application phase 📝 for the CATs & Colors of Fall. Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to get your hands on the exclusive autumn-themed items 🏖, best-priced and newly dropped. From rustic leaves 🍂 to pumpkin spice wonders, this collection perfectly captures the essence of this magical season ⌛️ Application phase: August 29 - September 1, 12:00 PM (UTC) ⚠️ Please note that the 'Best of Luck' daily quest has been added to your active quest week. You know what to do: 1️⃣ Tap on the Lottery banner on the Home Screen; 2️⃣ Choose your desired type of Lootbox; 3️⃣ Select the token you'd like to use for purchasing the box in case you win; 4️⃣ Apply for the box. Congratulations, you're in! ⚡️ The application process is free. Payment will only be required to purchase the box in case you win. Please remember the chosen token (💵 or 💵) as ONLY the token selected during the application will be accepted for box payment if you win. Who is eligible to apply? Players with accounts created at least 7 days ago 🕹️ (with an account age of 7 days or older) AND who own at least one CAThlete of Level 2+ 🐈 ⚠️ Another requirement is having sufficient funds 💰 on the MAIN balance at the time of application until the distribution of the Lootboxes. ❤️Celebrating our most dedicated contributors: the first 500 applicants who hold 50K $WLKN and more on the main wallet balance INCLUDING staked tokens are GUARANTEED to win the box(es) they apply for. 👀 Keep your eyes peeled for announcements: the list of winners that will be publicly available on our social channels on September 1. 🍀 How Do I Know If I Win? If you win, the Lootboxes you applied for will appear in your Collectibles —> Lootboxes on September 1, following the winner announcement. Best of luck! ❤️
🍁🗓 CATs & Colors of Fall: APPLICATION PHASE IS ON! Get ready to embark on an enchanting journey through our autumn-themed NFT items collection! 🎁 We're thrilled to announce the start of the highly anticipated application phase 📝 for the CATs & Colors of Fall. Don’t miss this exclusive opportunity to get your hands on the exclusive autumn-themed items 🏖, best-priced and newly dropped. From rustic leaves 🍂 to pumpkin spice wonders, this collection perfectly captures the essence of this magical season ✨ ⌛️ Application phase: August 29 - September 1, 12:00 PM (UTC) ⚠️ Please note that the 'Best of Luck' daily quest has been added to your active quest week. You know what to do: 1️⃣ Tap on the Lottery banner on the Home Screen; 2️⃣ Choose your desired type of Lootbox; 3️⃣ Select the token you'd like to use for purchasing the box in case you win; 4️⃣ Apply for the box. Congratulations, you're in! ⚡️ The application process is free. Payment will only be required to purchase the box in case you win. Please remember the chosen token (💵 or 💵) as ONLY the token selected during the application will be accepted for box payment if you win. Who is eligible to apply? Players with accounts created at least 7 days ago 🕹️ (with an account age of 7 days or older) AND who own at least one CAThlete of Level 2+ 🐈 ⚠️ Another requirement is having sufficient funds 💰 on the MAIN balance at the time of application until the distribution of the Lootboxes. ❤️Celebrating our most dedicated contributors: the first 500 applicants who hold 50K $WLKN and more on the main wallet balance INCLUDING staked tokens are GUARANTEED to win the box(es) they apply for. 👀 Keep your eyes peeled for announcements: the list of winners that will be publicly available on our social channels on September 1. 🍀 How Do I Know If I Win? If you win, the Lootboxes you applied for will appear in your Collectibles —> Lootboxes on September 1, following the winner announcement. Best of luck! ❤️