20 Jun 2023, 13:00
📣 ОФИЦИАЛЬНО: РАЗЛОКИ ТОКЕНОВ ПЕРЕНЕСЕНЫ 📣 Уважаемое сообщество Walken, У нас есть невероятные и долгожданные новости 😎, которыми нам не терпится поделиться со всеми вами! С радостью объявляем, что команда Walken успешно завершила переговоры с нашими инвесторами 🎉 и согласовала дополнительный период блокировки командных и инвесторских токенов, в соответствии с результатами Голосования Сообщества 📊 Позвольте выразить искреннюю благодарность за ваши активное участие и поддержку ❤️ в течение этого процесса. Ваши голоса были услышаны, и вместе мы переходим на следующую стадию 🚀 формирования будущего Walken! ⚡️ По итогу переговоров введены дополнительные периоды блокировки токенов: на 12 месяцев для инвесторов и 24 месяца для команды. Таким образом, токены, аллоцированные для наших инвесторов и команды, останутся вне обращения 🔒 на дополнительный срок, что даст нам больше времени для развития проекта и реализации долгосрочной стратегии. Более того, это изменение вносит вклад в устойчивость экономики и проекта в долгосрочной перспективе 💫, обеспечивая условия для стабильного развития и новых возможностей. 📌 Обновленная токеномика Walken: Мы также хотели бы выразить искреннюю благодарность нашим инвесторам 🙏 за доверие и поддержку. Они имеют решающее значение для проекта в данный момент🏆 и обеспечивают возможности дальнейшего роста и успеха Walken. С нетерпением ждем будущих совместных достижений и ценим то, что вы разделяете наше видение! Очень рады продолжить это путешествие вместе 🐾 с нашим сообществом и дальнейшую реализацию наших целей. Впереди - много невероятных новостей и крутых обновлений, так что следите и не пропустите! 👀 🔗Официальные ссылки Walken: Website | Чат Telegram | Telegram RU | Discord | Medium | База знаний | Twitter | Instagram

Same news in other sources

WalkenWLKN #1545
20 Jun 2023, 13:00
📣 EXTRA LOCK-UP PERIODS CONFIRMED 📣 Dear Walken Community, We have incredible and much anticipated news 😎 to share with you all! It is with joy that we announce that the Walken team have successfully completed negotiations with our investors 🎉 regarding the extra lock period for team & investor tokens, in accordance with the Community Voting results 📊 Let us express our heartfelt appreciation for your active participation and support ❤️ throughout this process. Your voices have been heard, and together we are entering the new stage 🚀 and continue to shape the future of Walken! ⚡️ As a result, we have implemented an extra token lock-up period of 12 months for investor tokens and 24 months for team tokens. Thus, the tokens allocated for our valued investors and the team will remain out of circulation 🔒 for extra months, allowing us more time to build and deliver on our long-term vision. Moreover, this update contributes to a more balanced and sustainable tokenomics 💫 for Walken, providing stability and long-term growth opportunities for the project. 📌 Feel free to check out the updated Walken tokenomics: We would also like to extend our sincerest gratitude to our investors 🙏 for their invaluable collaboration and trust in our vision. Your partnership has been instrumental in driving our progress 🏆 and ensuring the continued growth and success of Walken. We look forward to achieving great milestones together! So excited to continue this journey together 🐾 with our dedicated Community. Your trust and support are paramount, and we are committed to delivering on our promises and building a prosperous future for Walken 🥇 Thank you for being an essential part of the Walken community. Let's celebrate this milestone together and propel Walken to new heights of achievement! 🚀 🔗Stay in touch with Walken: Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter | Instagram
EXTRA LOCK-UP PERIODS CONFIRMED. Dear Walken Community,. We have incredible and much anticipated news to share with you all.
📣 EXTRA LOCK-UP PERIODS CONFIRMED 📣 Dear Walken Community, We have incredible and much anticipated news 😎 to share with you all! It is with joy that we announce that the Walken team have successfully completed negotiations with our investors 🎉 regarding the extra lock period for team & investor tokens, in accordance with the Community Voting results 📊 Let us express our heartfelt appreciation for your active participation and support ❤️ throughout this process. Your voices have been heard, and together we are entering the new stage 🚀 and continue to shape the future of Walken! ⚡️ As a result, we have implemented an extra token lock-up period of 12 months for investor tokens and 24 months for team tokens. Thus, the tokens allocated for our valued investors and the team will remain out of circulation 🔒 for extra months, allowing us more time to build and deliver on our long-term vision. Moreover, this update contributes to a more balanced and sustainable tokenomics 💫 for Walken, providing stability and long-term growth opportunities for the project. 📌 Feel free to check out the updated Walken tokenomics: https://medium.com/@walken.io/the-updated-tokenomics-of-walken-df4d0e78f1fd We would also like to extend our sincerest gratitude to our investors 🙏 for their invaluable collaboration and trust in our vision. Your partnership has been instrumental in driving our progress 🏆 and ensuring the continued growth and success of Walken. We look forward to achieving great milestones together! So excited to continue this journey together 🐾 with our dedicated Community. Your trust and support are paramount, and we are committed to delivering on our promises and building a prosperous future for Walken 🥇 Thank you for being an essential part of the Walken community. Let's celebrate this milestone together and propel Walken to new heights of achievement! 🚀 🔗Stay in touch with Walken: Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter | Instagram