25 Jun 2023, 15:55
Дорогие игроки Walken ❤️,
Следя за обсуждениями в нашем сообществе, мы хотели бы, во-первых, заверить вас, что команда видит и прислушиваемся к вашим отзывам. Релиз новой версии PvE вызвал вопросы у многих, и мы понимаем тех из вас, кто чувствует некое разочарование и неуверенность 😢 в новых механиках. Пожалуйста, знайте, что мы слышим ваши голоса и нам действительно важно мнение игроков 💯
🔔 Принимая во внимание, что новая система была плохо воспринята 🥺частью игроков во многом из-за платных входных билетов 🎫 , команда приняла решение ввести изменения уже в ближайшем апдейте. Мы ценим ваше поддержку и активное участие в проекте и приложим все необходимые усилия, чтоба найти решение💫, которое удовлетворит тех, кто готов тратить свое время на игру, но не $WLKN на билеты.
И хотя полное возвращение к старой модели невозможно, есть способы учесть различные предпочтения и мнения 😺. Мы уже начали работу над внедрением изменений, которые дадут игрокам возможность играть так, как им удобно.
В то время как мы работаем над решением, мы были бы благодарны за терпение и понимание 🙏 Обновление не займет много времени ⏳, но мы хотим убедиться, что все изменения тщательно продуманы и протестированы. Спасибо за вашу постоянную поддержку 😍
Пожалуйста, оставайтесь с нами и следите за обновлениями. Уже в ближайшие дни мы выпустим изменения 🚀, основанных на вашей обратной связи. Вместе мы сможем найти решение, которое будет оптимальным для всех 🏆
🔗Официальные ссылки Walken:
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Same news in other sources
125 Jun 2023, 15:56
⚡️ Addressing Player Concerns: Upcoming Update on PvE Changes
Dear Walken Community ❤️,
Keeping a close eye 👀 on community discussions, we’d like to take a moment to address major concerns that have been raised regarding the changes to the PvE experience. We understand that many players are feeling frustrated and uncertain 😢 about the new mechanics, and we want you to know that we hear your voices and we do care 💯
🔔 The team recognise that there is a significant portion of players do not fully understand 🥺 the new system and are feeling disheartened by the paid entry tickets 🎫 rather than the traditional approach. We value your dedication and passion for the game, and are committed to find a solution 💫 that caters to those who are willing to invest time rather than $WLKN on entry tickets.
Although a full-scale return to the old model is impossible, there are ways to strike a balance 😺 that accommodates different playstyles and preferences. We are actively brainstorming to create a more inclusive PvE experience that allows players to engage in the game in ways that are meaningful to them.
In the meantime, we kindly ask for your patience and understanding 🙏 The update won’t take long ⏳ to arrive, and we want to ensure that any changes we implement are thoroughly tested and well-considered. We appreciate your continued support and passion 😍 for the game, and we genuinely want to provide you with an enjoyable and rewarding experience.
Please stay tuned and keep an eye out for future updates. We will keep you informed about any progress we make and any adjustments we plan 🙌 to introduce based on your feedback within a couple of days 🚀
Thank you for being part of this wonderful community. Together, we can find a solution that benefits everyone 🏆
🔗Stay in touch with Walken:
Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter | Instagram
️ Addressing Player Concerns: Upcoming Update on PvE Changes. Dear Walken Community ,.
⚡️ Addressing Player Concerns: Upcoming Update on PvE Changes
Dear Walken Community ❤️,
Keeping a close eye 👀 on community discussions, we’d like to take a moment to address major concerns that have been raised regarding the changes to the PvE experience. We understand that many players are feeling frustrated and uncertain 😢 about the new mechanics, and we want you to know that we hear your voices and we do care 💯
🔔 The team recognise that there is a significant portion of players do not fully understand 🥺 the new system and are feeling disheartened by the paid entry tickets 🎫 rather than the traditional approach. We value your dedication and passion for the game, and are committed to find a solution 💫 that caters to those who are willing to invest time rather than $WLKN on entry tickets.
Although a full-scale return to the old model is impossible, there are ways to strike a balance 😺 that accommodates different playstyles and preferences. We are actively brainstorming to create a more inclusive PvE experience that allows players to engage in the game in ways that are meaningful to them.
In the meantime, we kindly ask for your patience and understanding 🙏 The update won’t take long ⏳ to arrive, and we want to ensure that any changes we implement are thoroughly tested and well-considered. We appreciate your continued support and passion 😍 for the game, and we genuinely want to provide you with an enjoyable and rewarding experience.
Please stay tuned and keep an eye out for future updates. We will keep you informed about any progress we make and any adjustments we plan 🙌 to introduce based on your feedback within a couple of days 🚀
Thank you for being part of this wonderful community. Together, we can find a solution that benefits everyone 🏆
🔗Stay in touch with Walken:
Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter | Instagram