КОМЬЮНИТИ СКАЗАЛО "ДА". Прошедшие два дня голосования стали ярким свидетельством силы и единства нашего Сообщества.
08 Jun 2023, 12:59
Прошедшие два дня голосования стали ярким свидетельством силы и единства нашего Сообщества. Ваша заинтересованность успехом Walken и активное участие напомнили нам, почему мы начали этот путь 😺. Вместе мы продолжаем создавать живую и процветающую экосистему, которая воплощает наши ценности и стремления ✨
194101 голосов за 👍 | 71757 против 👎
Команда Walken благодарит за такую огромную поддержку и доверие! Отклик наших преданных игроков просто потрясающий и превзошел наши самые смелые ожидания. Работа по реализации предложенного плана начнется уже сегодня. Мы не будем терять времени и сделаем все возможное, чтобы планы стали реальностью в максимально короткие сроки! 🔥
👉 Переходите по ссылке, чтобы подробнее ознакомиться с результатами голосования:
Уважаемые игроки, которые проголосовали против 🙅♂️
Мы хотим подчеркнуть, что ваши опасениям и точка зрения не останутся без внимания. Мы понимаем, что не все полностью поддерживают предложенный план, и уважаем ваше решение. Будьте уверены, что ваши интересы и отзывы будут учтены 📝, поскольку мы стремимся найти наилучший путь развития 🔝 для всего сообщества Walken.
Начиная эту захватывающую новую главу вместе с нами 🐾, будьте уверены, что мы будем держать вас в курсе всех событий. Следите за обновлениями и новостями 🌟, ведь Walken без преувеличения переходит на новый уровень, и все благодаря вашей поддержке ❤️
Спасибо каждому из вас, кто нашел время, чтобы отдать свой голос. Этот путь не был бы возможным без вашего бесценного вклада. Вместе продолжим формировать будущее Walken 🥇 и создавать незабываемый опыт для всех.
🔗Официальные ссылки Walken:
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Same news in other sources
108 Jun 2023, 13:00
The past two days have been a testament to the strength and unity 💪 of our Community. Your dedication to Walken's success and the passionate engagement you shown have reminded us why we embarked on this journey 😺 in the first place. Together, we are creating a vibrant and thriving ecosystem that embodies the values and aspirations ✨ we hold dear.
On to the voting results:
194101 votes in favour 👍 | 71757 against 👎
🔔 It is with great pleasure that we announce that an overwhelming 73% OF PLAYERS VOTED IN FAVOUR of the suggested actions. Such tremendous support and trust have truly blown us away 🙀! The response from our dedicated players has been outstanding, and we can’t be more grateful for your active participation.
👉 Follow this link to check the voting results in detail:
We are more ready than ever to get things rolling. Our team is already gearing up and diving straight into the implementation 👩💻 of the proposed plan. We're wasting no time in turning this vision into a reality! 🔥
To our valued players who voted against 🙅♂️, we’d like to take a moment to address your concerns and acknowledge your perspective. We understand that not everyone may be fully aligned with the proposed plan, and we respect your decision. Please rest assured that your interests and feedback will be considered 📝 as we're committed to find the best path forward 🔝 for the Walken Community as a whole.
As we embark on this exciting new chapter together 🐾, we’ll keep you in the loop every step of the way. Expect regular announcements and updates as we work to bring your aspirations to life!
Thank you to each and every one of you who took the time to cast your vote. This journey 🎯 wouldn't be possible without your invaluable contributions. Together, let's continue shaping the future of Walken 🥇 and creating an unforgettable experience for all.
🔗Stay in touch:
Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter | Instagram
THE COMMUNITY SAYS "YES". The past two days have been a testament to the strength and unity of our Community.
The past two days have been a testament to the strength and unity 💪 of our Community. Your dedication to Walken's success and the passionate engagement you shown have reminded us why we embarked on this journey 😺 in the first place. Together, we are creating a vibrant and thriving ecosystem that embodies the values and aspirations ✨ we hold dear.
On to the voting results:
194101 votes in favour 👍 | 71757 against 👎
🔔 It is with great pleasure that we announce that an overwhelming 73% OF PLAYERS VOTED IN FAVOUR of the suggested actions. Such tremendous support and trust have truly blown us away 🙀! The response from our dedicated players has been outstanding, and we can’t be more grateful for your active participation.
👉 Follow this link to check the voting results in detail:
We are more ready than ever to get things rolling. Our team is already gearing up and diving straight into the implementation 👩💻 of the proposed plan. We're wasting no time in turning this vision into a reality! 🔥
To our valued players who voted against 🙅♂️, we’d like to take a moment to address your concerns and acknowledge your perspective. We understand that not everyone may be fully aligned with the proposed plan, and we respect your decision. Please rest assured that your interests and feedback will be considered 📝 as we're committed to find the best path forward 🔝 for the Walken Community as a whole.
As we embark on this exciting new chapter together 🐾, we’ll keep you in the loop every step of the way. Expect regular announcements and updates as we work to bring your aspirations to life!
Thank you to each and every one of you who took the time to cast your vote. This journey 🎯 wouldn't be possible without your invaluable contributions. Together, let's continue shaping the future of Walken 🥇 and creating an unforgettable experience for all.
🔗Stay in touch:
Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter | Instagram