18 Apr 2023, 08:46
📰📢 ДАЙДЖЕСТ ОСНОВНЫХ ОБНОВЛЕНИЙ & СОБЫТИЙ В WALKEN ЗА ФЕВРАЛЬ-МАРТ 2023 ГОДА Март и Февраль запомнились не только празднованием Дня Святого Валентина 💕, но и 1-ой годовщиной Walken 🎉, с чередой увлекательных обновлений и событий и выпуском долгожданных функций. Было столько всего интересного (например, целых две распродажи Лутбоксов!), что Комьюнити точно некогда было скучать 🔥. Вложив действительно много сил в каждое обновление, нам тем приятнее видеть, что усилия не прошли даром 🏆 Несмотря на то, что такие яркие события, как запуск Дуэлей🥇, выход обновленной версии Walken Runner😺 и празднование 1-ой Годовщины Walken 🎊, вряд ли могли пройти незамеченными, мы все же по старой доброй традиции хотим подвести итоги прошедших двух месяцев и приглашаем вас присоединиться к нам в этой статье: 🐾 https://medium.com/@walken-ru/дайджест-основных-обновлений-событий-в-walken-за-февраль-март-2023-года-1f64d00128a7 Апрель в самом разгаре, а это значит, что мы продолжаем работу над проектом 🙌 и готовим для вас несколько крупных и очень важных обновлений. Среди них, конечно, будут недавно анонсированные новые уровни и лиги, и нам не терпится поскорее поделиться с вами подробностями этого и других планируемых обновлений. Следите за новостями 🔔 и не пропустите! Какое событие из тех, что мы разделили вместе с вами в феврале и марте, запомнилось вам больше всего, а также какое из 🤩 запланированных на апрель обновлений вам не терпится увидеть? Делитесь в комментариях! 🔗Официальные ссылки Walken: Website | Чат Telegram | Telegram RU | Discord | Medium | База знаний | Twitter

Same news in other sources

WalkenWLKN #1545
18 Apr 2023, 08:49
📰DIGEST OF THE MAIN WALKEN UPDATES IN FEB - MARCH Although Walken Duels 🚀, the new Walken Runner and the celebration of the 1st Walken Anniversary 😍were really hard to miss, we’re staying true to a lovely tradition of recapping the main events and updates of the past month or…
📰DIGEST OF THE MAIN WALKEN UPDATES IN FEB - MARCH Although Walken Duels 🚀, the new Walken Runner and the celebration of the 1st Walken Anniversary 😍were really hard to miss, we’re staying true to a lovely tradition of recapping the main events and updates of the past month or… https://t.co/TwNhXeCyGa https://t.co/KjJclOJRU5
WalkenWLKN #1545
18 Apr 2023, 08:47
📰📢 DIGEST OF THE MAIN WALKEN UPDATES & EVENTS IN FEBRUARY - MARCH March and February marked not only a season of love 🫶 but also celebration for Walken’s first anniversary 🎉 with a cascade of mesmerising updates and activities. There was so much cool stuff happening in the game more than enough to set Walken Community on fire 🔥. Having been working super hard to keep bringing you the best of the best, we're truly happy to see the effort paid off big time 🏆 Although Walken Duels 🥇, the new Walken Runner 😺 and the celebration of the 1st Walken Anniversary 🎊 were really hard to miss 😂, we’re staying true to a lovely tradition of recapping the main events and updates of the past month or two. Join us for a walk down memory lane 🐾 and get ready to dive into the festive fun again: 📌 With April at its peak, we continue our development efforts 🙌 and have some thrilling and potentially game-changing updates on the way, on top of the big ones already released. The recently announced new levels and leagues are among those, and we can't wait to share more with you. Do stay tuned 🔔 for more updates! Once you read the article, let us know here in Telegram what you think 😉 about the unforgettable moments that we shared in February and March, as well as the 🤩 April milestones that you simply can't wait for! 🔗Stay in touch with Walken: Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter
📰📢 DIGEST OF THE MAIN WALKEN UPDATES & EVENTS IN FEBRUARY - MARCH March and February marked not only a season of love 🫶 but also celebration for Walken’s first anniversary 🎉 with a cascade of mesmerising updates and activities. There was so much cool stuff happening in the game — more than enough to set Walken Community on fire 🔥. Having been working super hard to keep bringing you the best of the best, we're truly happy to see the effort paid off big time 🏆 Although Walken Duels 🥇, the new Walken Runner 😺 and the celebration of the 1st Walken Anniversary 🎊 were really hard to miss 😂, we’re staying true to a lovely tradition of recapping the main events and updates of the past month or two. Join us for a walk down memory lane 🐾 and get ready to dive into the festive fun again: 📌 https://medium.com/@walken.io/digest-of-the-main-walken-updates-events-in-february-march-2023-ad263a791a5a With April at its peak, we continue our development efforts 🙌 and have some thrilling and potentially game-changing updates on the way, on top of the big ones already released. The recently announced new levels and leagues are among those, and we can't wait to share more with you. Do stay tuned 🔔 for more updates! Once you read the article, let us know here in Telegram what you think 😉 about the unforgettable moments that we shared in February and March, as well as the 🤩 April milestones that you simply can't wait for! 🔗Stay in touch with Walken: Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter