Дайджест Основных Обновлений & Событий в Walken за Январь.
03 Feb 2023, 14:16
📜📢 Дайджест Основных Обновлений & Событий в Walken за Январь
Начинаем 2023 год с энтузиазмом и в предвкушении того 😺 того, что же ждет крипто-пространство и web3-гейминг в 2023 году! Для Walken первый месяц нового года был наполнен интересными и нужными обновлениями 💫, самым запоминающимся из которых стал релиз долгожданной функции 🕹 Мы проделали огромную работу, чтобы сделать следующий шаг вперед🏆 к достижению наших главных целей, а игрокам нравилось еще больше, чем раньше 😻
Пока Ежедневные квесты определенно затмевают все 😂, и мы бы хотели рассказать вам про другие обновления и функции, релиз которых состоялся в Январе:
Подробнее: https://medium.com/@walken-ru/дайджест-основных-обновлений-событий-в-walken-за-январь-2022-2523d72b409
Мы всегда максимально внимательно работаем над созданием и внедрением новых функций 💪, но к сожалению, всегда существует шанс непредвиденных обстоятельств🪲, способных омрачить эти процессы. В ходе разработки нового режима соревнований — 💥 PvP-дуэлей — некоторые игроки столкнулись с проблемами при входе в приложение. Мы приносим свои искренние извинения за доставленные неудобства и можем заверить вас, что данная проблема была успешна устранена 🥰
Мы продолжаем работать над запланированными 📝 функциями, которые не были выпущены в Январе, и обязательно порадуем вас ими в Феврале. На данный момент мы сконцентрировали свои усилия на новом PvP режиме - Дуэли и Турниры 🙀 ( небольшие спойлеры уже можно найти в нашем Твиттере!) - мы будем держать вас в курсе событий.
Мы также благодарим вас за интерес, который вы проявляете к Walken Runner 👟 - уже совсем скоро вы сможете насладиться усовершенствованной версией приложения ⏳, которая вам точно понравится!
А сейчас, поделитесь с нами вашими мыслями и ожиданиями💭, а также не забывайте следить за новостям в наших официальных каналах!
🔗Официальные ссылки Walken:
Website | Чат Telegram | Telegram Канал | Discord | База знаний | Medium | Twitter
Same news in other sources
203 Feb 2023, 14:22
📜📢Main Walken Updates & Events in January
While Daily Quests certainly steal the show 😂, there were a bunch of other changes and features worth mentioning:
Main Walken Updates & Events in January.
📜📢Main Walken Updates & Events in January
While Daily Quests certainly steal the show 😂, there were a bunch of other changes and features worth mentioning:
#walken_io https://t.co/69GJKcSwBR
03 Feb 2023, 14:17
📜📢 Digest of the Main Walken Updates & Events in January
Ringing in 2023 with enthusiasm and a lot of steady anticipation 😺 for the future of the web3 gaming space! In Walken, the first month of the new year 💫 was filled with fun, exciting updates, and spiced up with a massive feature release 🕹 In short, a great deal of work has been put in to take another huge step 🏆 towards our main goals while inspiring players to enjoy Walken on a daily basis more than ever 😻
While Daily Quests certainly steal the show 😂, there were a bunch of other changes and features worth mentioning.
🤓 Let’s take a closer look back on how January fared:
Much as we are thrilled to keep releasing new features 💪 and growing Walken with every update, there is always a possibility of facing unexpected issues 🪲that may cast a shadow on new developments. In the course of the active development of the next big thing - 💥 PvP Duels - some players were affected by login issues. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and can assure you that the issues have been successfully fixed 🥰
With some features scheduled for January still to be released 📝, we continue building and are set to deliver them in February. Right now we're focusing our efforts on PvP mode - Duels and Tournaments 🙀 (check our Twitter for terrific sneak peeks!) - and will be keeping you posted. Thank you for your questions about Walken Runner 👟, too; its reimagined version will come back soon enough ⏳, and you'll absolutely love it!
As for now, do let us know your thoughts and hopes 💭 in the official channels and stay connected!
🔗Stay in touch with Walken:
Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter
Digest of the Main Walken Updates & Events in January.
📜📢 Digest of the Main Walken Updates & Events in January
Ringing in 2023 with enthusiasm and a lot of steady anticipation 😺 for the future of the web3 gaming space! In Walken, the first month of the new year 💫 was filled with fun, exciting updates, and spiced up with a massive feature release 🕹 In short, a great deal of work has been put in to take another huge step 🏆 towards our main goals while inspiring players to enjoy Walken on a daily basis more than ever 😻
While Daily Quests certainly steal the show 😂, there were a bunch of other changes and features worth mentioning.
🤓 Let’s take a closer look back on how January fared: https://medium.com/@walken.io/digest-of-the-main-walken-updates-events-in-january-95041bef4e76
Much as we are thrilled to keep releasing new features 💪 and growing Walken with every update, there is always a possibility of facing unexpected issues 🪲that may cast a shadow on new developments. In the course of the active development of the next big thing - 💥 PvP Duels - some players were affected by login issues. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience and can assure you that the issues have been successfully fixed 🥰
With some features scheduled for January still to be released 📝, we continue building and are set to deliver them in February. Right now we're focusing our efforts on PvP mode - Duels and Tournaments 🙀 (check our Twitter for terrific sneak peeks!) - and will be keeping you posted. Thank you for your questions about Walken Runner 👟, too; its reimagined version will come back soon enough ⏳, and you'll absolutely love it!
As for now, do let us know your thoughts and hopes 💭 in the official channels and stay connected!
🔗Stay in touch with Walken:
Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter