10-Е КАТЛЕТИЧЕСКИЕ ИГРЫ: ПРИЗОВОЙ ФОНД 6 МИЛЛИОНОВ $WLKN. Завершены уже десятые Катлетические игры.
13 Jul 2023, 12:02
Завершены уже десятые Катлетические игры! 🏆
48 часов волнения, надежд и ожиданий подошли к концу, и самое время отпраздновать ваши достижения и получить заслуженные награды 😺!
👉 Сводка 10-х Катлетических Игр:
🏆 Призовой фонд: 6 млн 💵
🎁 Всего сундуков: 114457
❗️Регистрируйтесь на 11е Игры по 14 июля, 15:00 (МСК)
Прогнозируемый фонд: 6 млн 💵
🔔 ВАЖНО: чтобы продолжать следить за анонсами окончания Игр и призовыми фондами, следите за Walken Дайджестом 🗞 в приложении и подписывайтесь на наш Twitter 🐦 или Instagram 🖼. Мы будем держать вас в курсе результатов дальнейших игр там, чтобы не заполнять этот канал однообразными анонсами.
Сундуки с вашими наградами 🔝 можно получить уже сейчас 😎 Переходите на экран Соревнований и забирайте трофеи всех ваших команд. Подробные результаты этих игр с детализацией по сундукам 👀 можно будет посмотреть и потом - по нажатию на транзакцию награды в кошельке $WLKN.
📚 Для тех, кто еще не пробовал себя в Катлетических играх, не упустите отличную возможность участвовать в 48-часовых автоматически проигрываемых соревнованиях и приумножать стоимость входного билета, параллельно зарабатывая в PvP-дуэлях. Подробнее об Играх, расчетах шансов и наград, можно почитать здесь:
Благодарим каждого игрока 💫, кто не пропустил все 10 Катлетических Игр. Собирайте команды Катлетов 🙌 снова и отправляйтесь в новое приключение, чтобы забрать свои сундуки и побороться за более высокие награды. Спасибо, что играете в Walken! 😍
🔗Официальные ссылки Walken:
Website | Чат Telegram | Telegram RU | Discord | Medium | База знаний | Twitter | Instagram
Same news in other sources
113 Jul 2023, 12:03
And that’s a wrap on the 10th CAThletic Games! 🏆
It has been an extraordinary journey filled with fierce competition, teamwork, and unforgettable moments. Now, it's time to celebrate your achievements and reap the rewards 😺 you've earned!
👉 10th Cathletic Games summary:
🏆 Prize pool: 6М 💵
🎁 Total chests: 114457
❗️Registration for 11th Games open till July 14, 12 PM UTC
Projected pool: 6M 💵
🔔 Important note: to keep up with the announcements regarding the Games and prize pools, please keep an eye on the Walken Gazette 🗞 right in the app and follow us on Twitter 🐦 and in Instagram 🖼. We'll be announcing the end of CAThletic Games there to keep this Telegram channel more relevant.
The chests containing your hard-earned prizes 🔝 are now ready to be claimed. It's time to unveil the riches and embrace the fruits of your dedication and unwavering spirit 😎 To claim your well-deserved chests, simply navigate to Competition screen. Should you like to view the detailed results of these Games later 👀, feel free to tap on the reward transaction in the $WLKN wallet anytime.
📚 For those who are new to the CAThletic Games, this is an excellent opportunity to strategies and win big, while also earning in PvP Duels. For more details on the Games, please visit our wiki:
We want to extend our deepest gratitude 💫 to every single participant who showed up for the 10 seasons of CAThletic Games. Now, gather your CATletes teams 🙌 again and embark on the exhilarating journey to grab your chests and discover the treasures hidden within. The rewards are a testament to your incredible efforts 🌟 and serve as a symbol of your commitment to excellence. Good luck! 🍀
🔗Stay in touch with Walken:
Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter | Instagram
10TH CATHLETIC GAMES: 6M $WLKN PRIZE POOL. And that's a wrap on the 10th CAThletic Games.
And that’s a wrap on the 10th CAThletic Games! 🏆
It has been an extraordinary journey filled with fierce competition, teamwork, and unforgettable moments. Now, it's time to celebrate your achievements and reap the rewards 😺 you've earned!
👉 10th Cathletic Games summary:
🏆 Prize pool: 6М 💵
🎁 Total chests: 114457
❗️Registration for 11th Games open till July 14, 12 PM UTC
Projected pool: 6M 💵
🔔 Important note: to keep up with the announcements regarding the Games and prize pools, please keep an eye on the Walken Gazette 🗞 right in the app and follow us on Twitter 🐦 and in Instagram 🖼. We'll be announcing the end of CAThletic Games there to keep this Telegram channel more relevant.
The chests containing your hard-earned prizes 🔝 are now ready to be claimed. It's time to unveil the riches and embrace the fruits of your dedication and unwavering spirit 😎 To claim your well-deserved chests, simply navigate to Competition screen. Should you like to view the detailed results of these Games later 👀, feel free to tap on the reward transaction in the $WLKN wallet anytime.
📚 For those who are new to the CAThletic Games, this is an excellent opportunity to strategies and win big, while also earning in PvP Duels. For more details on the Games, please visit our wiki: https://docs.walken.io/pve-cathletic-games/cathletic-games-rules-and-rewards
We want to extend our deepest gratitude 💫 to every single participant who showed up for the 10 seasons of CAThletic Games. Now, gather your CATletes teams 🙌 again and embark on the exhilarating journey to grab your chests and discover the treasures hidden within. The rewards are a testament to your incredible efforts 🌟 and serve as a symbol of your commitment to excellence. Good luck! 🍀
🔗Stay in touch with Walken:
Website | Telegram Chat | Telegram Channel | Discord | Medium | Gitbook | Twitter | Instagram